This is a compact and timesaving tool that can be used to lay out pipe and structural steel joints.
Laterals at any angle, tees, wyes, crosses, elbows - any type or size of joint can be quickly and precisely laid out.
No more complicated mathematical formulas, no more cut and try, and no more needless material waste.
The Contour Marker consists of an X-shaped frame, calibrated protractor, and a triple-jointed marketing arm and holder.
The holder accepts a soapstone crayon, felt pen, or pencil.
The frame folds into a compact tool that fits into a pocket or tool kit, and it can be used upside down or right side up.
The protractor is calibrated on both sides - one in degrees and one in rise-inches-per foot.
SKU: J1874
Manufacturer: Curv-O-Mark Contour Measuring Tools
Please contact the sales office for the best price available